Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 7 Theme - Character

She's a mixture of dark and light, hard and soft.  She can be so quick to sneer at you and bark out a sarcastic quip; but when you're sick she's by your side, her voice soft and low, her eyes concerned.  She loves animals and small babies.  She can't stand older children or adults.  Does that mean she can't stand herself either?
She loves a particular comedy show.  We laughed hysterically together when we watched it.  But she doesn't make jokes of her own.  She smiles seldom, but when she does it's like the sun coming out from behind the clouds.  You can't let her see you watching though.  She's quick to hide it again.
Her art is amazing, amazing.  Like Midas, everything she touches turns to gold.  Photography, jewelry making, drawing, quilting - everything is unique and glowing with effortless skill and beauty.  And maybe it's because it's effortless (or more likely because nothing escapes her scathing tongue) that she doesn't believe in herself.  She has piles of art of various media that she could easily sell, yet she shrugs in indifference when you mention it and quickly becomes sour, changing the subject.
She loves to win at things.  She is the sorest loser in the world, growing instantly cross and quiet, then suddenly flaring like a volcano.  If you lose, she will invariably comment that you are a sore loser.  She brushes off wins like they never mattered from the start.
Her armor looks like the thickest steel, but it's really just egg shell strong.  If you punctured that armor, she would breath flames before dissolving into tears.  I remember how I once saw an earthworm being attacked by ants.  Its skin was soft and vulnerable to their cruel mandibles, and yet whenever it was touched it thrashed and spun like a mighty serpent, violently throwing off any would be attackers.  But its skin was soft and vulnerable, and it eventually yielded to their appetites.

1 comment:

  1. I go in and out with this one. I can't tell you adequately how much I admire the extended metaphor that closes the piece. I can't tell you adequately how much I admire your willingness to let the metaphor be self-explanatory.

    But then on the other hand, I want to know what comedy show amuses her: I Love Lucy, Simpsons, Louie, what? It really makes a difference in understanding her. And what games are we talking about: Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, chess, checkers, high stakes Texas Hold 'Em? Again the answer makes a difference to our judgments. What animals does she love? All? Cats? Dogs? Tropical fish? Same idea--the answer matters.
