Sunday, September 2, 2012

Journal, Day 2

Getting organized...

Ah, could there be a bigger bane in my existence??  I hate starting the day off wrong.  It seems to set the tone for the whole day.  Or maybe that's just my excuse.  At least today I was finally able to get more than 4 hours of sleep!  Even though my landlord's demon cat demanded love and attention at a god awful hour using her banshee's cry.. as usual...

But I digress.  I did manage to get the dishes done, finally.  Most archeologists would be interested to see the collected layers of my kitchen.  And I did read more of my book for my True Crime class.  Cram reading is one thing, but cram reading about a serial killer who does horrific things to the bodies is kind of.. ugh!  The psyche of the serial killer actually fascinates me, but I can't quite imagine them as real people.  They seem like characters in books or movies, not the neighbor next door.  This book is non-fiction, but it still seems so surreal.

Then I needed a break and started to make dinner for my boyfriend and roommate, for when they arrived back from the woods.  I thought of spaghetti, and started making breadsticks to go with it.  I felt rather glum as I did this.  My newest doctor wants me to go on an elimination diet, to see if I have food allergies.  I should be getting out of the habit of cooking with gluten.  But it's hard to change mental gears.  I love to bake, so it's hard to think about being allergic to gluten.  Or soy, or corn, or the myriad of other things I will need to cut from my diet in order to do this experiment.

I spent a time looking through my cookbooks wistfully.  This kind of thing is hard on a foodie.

I don't have internet at my house, so I drove to Bangor to use my boyfriend's computer.  I've gotten a lot less work done today than I've wanted.  I'm feeling more glum as a result.  I've had a lot of changes in my life in the past two weeks though, so I just have to keep plugging until I get back into the rhythm.  "I've got rhythm, I've got music... who could ask for anything more~."


  1. Going gluten-free does not mean giving up baking and it does not mean eating second best:

    (Full disclosure: this is run by my daughter-in-law's aunt, and my son and daughter-in-law both work there.)

    As for giving up corn, you will find that very difficult as it's in nearly everything in some form or another (and it has a thousand different chemical forms)!

  2. That looks wonderful! There was a great gluten free shop in Brunswick, near my sisters. Unfortunately there was a fire and the shop owner hasn't restarted her business.
    I very much hope that I am not allergic to corn (and lots of other things!).
