Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Journal, Day 5

Today started with a bit of a gamble of life and death, aka driving in my car during weather that is less than perfect.  I do have new tires, I will say that.  I was driving an absolute death trap 2 weeks ago.  Now it's just "slightly less of a death trap".  The wiper likes to leave a smear across the middle.  So if one were to casually glance at the driver approaching them in the salmon pink car in the opposite lane (I've never been sure how to describe my car's color to the DMV), they would note that she was either hunched as if preparing to vomit or stretched like a giraffe.  But it's really the smear's fault.

Ah, well.  I really do drive as carefully as I can.  And I think the rain was much needed.  It just reminds me again of how summer has truly come to a close, and fall is fast approaching.  Not that I dislike fall, or even winter for that matter.  I just wish that Maine had seasons that were nice and neat and lasted only 3 months each.  Well, okay, maybe summer could be four months and spring could be two.  No one likes mud that much.

Work was work.  Then off to do errands, one being a quick stop at the hospital to pick up something for lab work that needed to be done.  There's actually an amusing story that goes with that, but I suppose for people with stomachs that are not of steel, it would be a bit less entertaining.  It's funny; my mom's a nurse and she sees disgusting things all day.  She handles disgusting things.  She had a man come in to the family medicine practice she once worked at with most of his hand cut off from a chainsaw.  Not even fazed.  But if I try to tell her a gross story, she cuts me off in protest.  "It's not the same!" she says.  Apparently she has a magic shield of "not grossed out" that is only on at work.  That magical shield only works for me if I'm talking about my own gross habits and experiences.  I will give her credit for having, overall, a much stronger stomach than I!

And speaking of stomachs, my boyfriend's beloved golden retriever found our coconut chocolate cookies in my shopping bag while we were in a different store, and managed to consume the ENTIRE box during the short time we were gone.  She'll be cuddling with us tonight.  Hope I don't wake up in the middle of the night to experience my own personal gross story.

1 comment:

  1. Goldens are not my favorite dog, but I suppose any dog is better than none, with the exception of beagles, who really we'd be all be better off without. Good luck with Goldens and cookies!
